Canada & Mexico
Canada and
Mexico have some of the most relaxed laws when it comes to laser tattoo
removal. Currently there are no
restrictions from the authorities on who can provide tattoo removal treatments. No medical background is required to perform laser treatments
for unwanted tattoos. However, due to the potential harm that can be done to
clients, we believe that it is irresponsible
for anyone to practice without proper training and we strongly suggest that all
potential providers become educated and certified through a respected and
experienced laser educator.
United States of America
every state in the U.S. has different laws stating who can fire an aesthetic
laser we highly recommend you contact Lorenzo personally so he can explain the
requirements and how they pertain to you. For the most part, there are only a
few states that require you to have a medical background or an on-site MD.
Florida, California, Texas and North Carolina have the strictest rules and
regulations, making it nearly impossible to practice tattoo removal without
being a licensed Medical Doctor or Nurse. It is always a good idea to contact
your local medical board and or the Radiation Safety Licensing Branch for a
full description of the law, since either one is usually in charge of
I hope you enjoyed this blog, if you have any question or if
you are interested in receiving laser tattoo removal training please check out
our web site or call me directly at the number
or email below.
Lorenzo Kunze II, CLS/MLS
Owner / Lead Instructor: International Laser Academy